Monday, December 15, 2008


So many changes in the air.

The holiday season, the new year, the smell of buyers moving in for the kill on those foreclosed properties....

Chin up, elbows out... Look them in the eye and never show fear! Buyers are educating themselves, they know what they want, and how much they want to pay and they mean it.

You have to remember who is the expert - is it you or that buyer? You better make it you!

You need to be at least as informed and educated as they are, but hopefully more. You need to be on top of your game, polishing your skills, honing your craft, primping your marketing, and keeping that thing in your head sometimes called a brain razor sharp! If it has been sleeping in the down turn, running scared from the recession it is time to dust the old gray matter off and get back in the game!

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