Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is an important chapter in a new eBook I am writting to help you sell your home. This will be aimed at Real Estate Professionals, Sellers, and yes, For Sale By Owners.

We need to change the vibe in the air right now. I happen to know that homes are selling right now, that buyer's are buying right now, that Real Estate professionals have closing that are actually closing right now, so things are looking up!

I believe that we are coming out of the down turn, I really really do. Now we need to start sensing it, acting like it, talking like it, and believing it.

Negativity begets negativity. STOP BEING NEGATIVE!

Start SEEING the good that is all around you, start RECOGNIZING it, start ACKNOWLEDGING it, and start BELIEVING it. Wake up in the morning and project positive! Say to yourself, "How can I sell this house today? What good can I do to encourage the right buyers to come and see it and move forward to purchase it? How can I progress today?

Think and be positive in all your expressions today and you will see everything around you change. Do it today. Do it tomorrow. Do it everyday!

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