Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is an important chapter in a new eBook I am writting to help you sell your home. This will be aimed at Real Estate Professionals, Sellers, and yes, For Sale By Owners.

We need to change the vibe in the air right now. I happen to know that homes are selling right now, that buyer's are buying right now, that Real Estate professionals have closing that are actually closing right now, so things are looking up!

I believe that we are coming out of the down turn, I really really do. Now we need to start sensing it, acting like it, talking like it, and believing it.

Negativity begets negativity. STOP BEING NEGATIVE!

Start SEEING the good that is all around you, start RECOGNIZING it, start ACKNOWLEDGING it, and start BELIEVING it. Wake up in the morning and project positive! Say to yourself, "How can I sell this house today? What good can I do to encourage the right buyers to come and see it and move forward to purchase it? How can I progress today?

Think and be positive in all your expressions today and you will see everything around you change. Do it today. Do it tomorrow. Do it everyday!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Click on the link above, watch the video and then come back and finish reading.... Don't worry, I'll wait for you..... ............. ha ha ................ ha ha ha .............. ha ha ................

You see, there are still things you can do to get a listing! You just aren't hungry enough!

Humor is always an ice breaker but remember, when you get that listing with your great sense of humor and style, keep going and get that listing SOLD!

Don't stop just because you made it over the threshold or just because your sign is in the yard. That is not enough, follow through, stay on top of the situation, keep the Sellers updated, tell the Sellers how to give that home a first class showing, get qualified buyers in to see it, get quality feedback and tweak what needs tweaking, and get that home sold to the right buyers!

Simple, right? We'll talk about getting those Buyers later....

Monday, December 15, 2008


So many changes in the air.

The holiday season, the new year, the smell of buyers moving in for the kill on those foreclosed properties....

Chin up, elbows out... Look them in the eye and never show fear! Buyers are educating themselves, they know what they want, and how much they want to pay and they mean it.

You have to remember who is the expert - is it you or that buyer? You better make it you!

You need to be at least as informed and educated as they are, but hopefully more. You need to be on top of your game, polishing your skills, honing your craft, primping your marketing, and keeping that thing in your head sometimes called a brain razor sharp! If it has been sleeping in the down turn, running scared from the recession it is time to dust the old gray matter off and get back in the game!

Things Are Looking Up!

Buyers are actually buying and that means Sellers are actually selling!

Movement is good. We will begin to see the measurable positive impact on our pocketbooks soon, I believe. I don't know about you but I am looking forward to it with great anticipation and excitement. I am ready to fly!